The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment

BTP64: How to Go Deeper into Your Soul’s Journey with Tarot Retreats



If you’re anything like me, you have a crazy busy schedule. Husband, kids, a house to manage, a business to manage, maybe a job, social commitments; it can be absolutely overwhelming. And sometimes it can be hard to find the time to devote to my spiritual practice, but when I’m not spending enough time listening to my intuition and getting in touch with that side of myself, I know that everything else will suffer. That’s when I start to feel like my energy is completely out of alignment and fragmented. Maybe you can relate to that. So, I got to thinking about this lately and I decided that I wanted to create a way for my Tarot tribe to push pause, get away, and dive deep into their soul’s journey. So in this podcast, I’m going to be talking about four ways that you can go deeper into your soul’s journey with Tarot retreats. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn: Four ways you can go deeper into your soul’s journey with Tarot retreats How you can create a sacred retreat of your own at home