

I'm really curious about this because they can FLY!!!  Wouldn't you fly everywhere if you could???  I'm thinking I would.  But then I started to think about it. You know my perspective is always a bit twisted, but I think if you listen to this show you might get some insight too.  Sometimes Mother Nature can give you some great ideas.  This is what the geese surprisingly did for me.  Going to an event I saw them waiting on the side of the road to cross - half a flock, I swear!  So I started pondering :-) Here's the audio version - video is getting some captions added and then I'll post that on FB, LI and of course on OAC!   I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for listening and maybe sharing a show or two.  My plans are to bring you more in 2020 - so stayed tuned as I ramp it up! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I will see you then! Passing On A Smile, Gail