

The artwork for this show is actually the front of one of our Send Out Cards.  The inside says "Nothing". It's funny because I'd thought of this title and then had to laugh when I found the exact words on this card... However, I totally disagree with the inside sentiment.  There is a whole lot in life that's scarier than Halloween - for me, at least.  So as always, this is all from my perspective, but I truly believe you'll relate to some of it. First and foremost, I talk about those late night calls I get on December 24th with my customers panicked on getting their Christmas Cards sent.  I'm scared, they'll get mad at me when I tell them they won't get there in time!  I caution all my card senders and those that are sending any kind of Christmas cards - December 15th is the cut off for on time delivery.  Millions of cards are sent from Send Out Cards alone and you mix in everyone else...card jam for sure!  We can help you do them faster, but will always recommend December 15th! Scary, too, is that first day