Verbal Laxative Podcast

Episode 5 - All You Need is Balls



01:58 - Jason corrects his grievous mistakes 04:26 - Wrapping up E3 Conference, Smash Bros, Gamecube Controller,  Fortnite, Cyberpunk, Kingdom Hearts, Spiderman, etc 12:24 - Fallout 76; They should make vault 69 into a porno 16:33 - Wolfenstein / If you're shooting Nazis nobody gets mad / Nazis don't do well in winter 18:57 - Vapoinhaler should be used to hold Coke / Jason gets molested 20:39 - {{{Expert}}} World Cup Discussion 23:17 - Trump as The Perpetual God Emperor; He might win 2020 27:35 - Endgame Electoral Democracy - Celebrity Candidates: The Rock vs Kanye vs Oprah vs Jay-Z 31:37 - Country to Country Trade Disputes Simplified 35:11 - Hassan's top authors / Talk about why Idris Elba hated Marvel 37:56 - Talk about rarely known stories about the Shining 44:28 - 50 Shades Twilight Crossover Disaster 46:15 - Norse Mythology - Loki and Thor are not actually Brothers (MCU Lies) - Legit Ragnarok 50:05 - Just Learn Mythology from God of War - (Kratos should fight Ganesha) 53:03 - VR Games / Motion Sickness 5