

I know you must be scratching your head over this title, but think about it.  Is life not like a puzzle and our plans always have pieces that we want to fit together? Like I had planned to do this show on Monday, but WHAT?  Something came along that kept that from happening.  So do I give up for the week and say, 'hey I missed it, so never mind.'  Or do I just find another time slot.  You know the answer if you've listened or are reading my notes. Anyways, today is all about helping you realize it is okay to have a Plan B because plans can suddenly have missing pieces.  A lot of people will tell you that you'll never get to your goal if you have a back up plan.  That that way of doing things is not showing confidence, that it keeps you from driving forward. What?  I truly believe, that having security in one arena while you embrace something new helps keep you from a panic state.  Panic does not help you progress.  Plan B are your plans, puzzles are your life pieces...  The key is for the audience never to kn