

Wow, August is just robust with changes and new beginnings!  But strangely, it's also a reminder of things past!  For example I received my daily announcement from FaceBook about today's birthdays! A few I had not followed actively, but decided to wish them an awesome day!  However, I noticed on one, "May You Rest In Peace". Yikes!  FaceBook is not obligated to remove these listings if they are not taken down when someone has passed!!! Big oops - thank goodness for the delete this post button! So word of caution on that, for sure :-)  And then major new stuff coming!  Kids off to college for the first time!  Stress for them, stress for the parents and as a grandmother, oh yeah stress is triple by the time it arrives at my feet!!!  This can be a traumatic and challenging week just getting settled in. Same goes if you have a new graduate starting a new job, or someone has to move and remain somewhere other than home! Up, up and away with life changes!  Not to mention Mother Nature winding down the summer - so m