Andy Luke & Arif Football Machine

A Break From Football



Sam Ekstrom, Arif Hasan and Luke Inman hit the pause button on football talk and discuss the last week in Minneapolis, addressing the death of George Floyd and the local and national response. Here is a link to donate to organizations fighting against racism and police brutality. Aggregated below are a series of studies Arif referenced on racism from a post he published in 2017. Qualified black students were three times less likely to be identified by teachers to be selected for gifted and talented programs. Here's the original resume study. And here’s a followup on the famous resume experiment, this time contextualized in the framework of a black Harvard graduate. Here's one on whether having a black face on a resume impacts callback rates.   Environmental racism is a concept that refers to the idea that race factors into environmental decisions, like where to place polluting factories, which toxic waste spells to clean up and quality of drinking water. These result in an increased prevalence of asthma, in