Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 129: What the Heck?



“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” - Nelson Mandela This episode was recorded on March 10, 2020 during the Novel Coronovirus outbreak in the USA. What the heck! moments happen when it’s hard to identify the truth. There are ways to take action using social media, but we may have to look for them. Our current form of community (social media, virtual) can make supportive efforts seem invisible. A scarcity mindset can send us into victim mode. It’s helpful to bounce things off people with different perspectives, instead of always drawing opinions from the same pond. It is easier than ever to go to the source and get to the truth. When we realize we have a choice and act on that, we become proactive and move away from being a victim. Sometimes we just have to let feelings wash over us and sit with them. It helps to remember we have made it through challenges before. What the heck! moments can lead to too much “What if?” thinking. We can break the cycle by focusing on what we can do.