Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 127: Shift Your Perspective



Becky and Diana discuss how a change in perspective can change everything.  Perspective is examining things from a particular point of view. Sometimes we need to change our perspective on a task before we can successfully accomplish it. Since other people’s perspectives can shift ours, it’s important to cultivate people with the right perspectives. When we experience success in a venture, it can shift our perspective. When we want someone to shift – or we want to shift - we have to give or take the time and space to allow the shift to happen. Creating or finding a catalyst can help us shift. It’s important to be aware of and recognize when we need to shift. Reading books, watching videos and movies, seeking education, and being aware and open help all expand our perspective. Not everyone wants a perspective change. When we feel stuck, it’s usually a sign that we need a new perspective. Stamp of Brilliance:  Poll for perspective instead of approval.