Uniquely Brilliant Podcast

Episode 89: Get Things Done



Becky and Diana explore concepts from David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done.  In Getting Things Done, David Allen describes a 5 step process to master productivity. The steps: Capture, Clarify, Organize, Reflect, and Engage. Capture: Get every idea, task, and to-do item out of your head and put it somewhere. Whether you use an app, a whiteboard, a notebook, or something else, find a place you trust to store your ideas. Developing this habit prevents the cognitive load of incompletions (Roy Baumeister).   Clarify: Process the ideas. Ask “Is this important to me now?” Ask “Does it add value?” Use the 2 minute rule. If it only takes 2 minutes to deal the item, do it immediately.   Organize: Where does this belong? Give ideas and projects a priority. What do I need get done today?   Reflect: Review what your tasks and projects so you learn to trust your choices. Schedule time for reflection. Reflection creates more clarity.   Engage: DO SOMETHING! Take the first step. Don’t let worrying about the end r