M&A Unplugged

23. Beyond The Price Of A Sale of a Business with Jeremy Waitzman



In this episode, Domenic and Jeremy Waitzman discuss:  Earn-outs to bridge a gap Rollover equity Representations and warranties Indemnities    Key Takeaways:  Building a specialized and experienced team in mergers and acquisitions will save you time and money  Business terms are just as important as price Understand what you are guaranteeing about your business and possible ramifications of breaching those in the future Be upfront with the buyers from the beginning with how much you want to be involved in the business going forward     "It is important for the seller to think about what things are important to them in the sale." —  Jeremy Waitzman     About Jeremy Waitzman: Jeremy Waitzman advises his clients on significant transactions and operational issues in their businesses. Described by clients as “an essential business advisor” and “a partner in the success of my business,” Jeremy has substantial experience representing businesses of all types and sizes from inception, guiding them through signific