M&A Unplugged

22. Transitioning From Selling A Business To Retirement with Kathy Miller



In this episode, Domenic and Kathy Miller discuss:  Preparing for retirement  Preparing a business for sale Going through the selling process Meeting buyers and selecting the right one     Key Takeaways:  Begin setting up your personal life for retirement before you sell your business- know where you are going and what you want to be doing next Always have an exit strategy in mind, have your house in order the whole time Continuing to build the business and keep it going, while selling, can be one of the most difficult things but very important Some of the strongest leverage includes a good reputation, strong and diverse client base, and ten-year employees     "You don’t know how prepared you are until you enlist the experts." —  Kathy Miller     About Kathy Miller: Kathy Miller lived and breathed events. After 40+ years and countless projects with Fortune 50 corporations, major trade associations, and nonprofit organizations, she still thought it was fun. In 1995, Kathy started Total Event Resources, a g