Intensive Care Network Podcasts

HIV and Hepatitis C



People living with HIV in 2018 now have normal life expectancy if  receiving Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) and often require only one co-formulated pill every day to remain well.  However there are still people living with HIV who are unaware of their diagnosis; who may present with a critical illness.  Knowing who to test is essential.  The population living with HIV are also ageing and often have comorbidities.  It is vital that clinical conditions associated with HIV are recognised and for those receiving ART that significant drug-drug interactions are avoided.  Pre Exposure prophylaxis (PREP) is widely used to prevent transmission and when to consider  post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) should be understood.  Although only one person has been cured of HIV ongoing research continues.  Hepatitis C treatment has been revolutionised with Direct Acting Antiretrovirals (DAAs) that are taken in an outpatient settings, however treatment rates in Australia are in decline.  Patients living with Hepatitis C  need to be