Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) for all?



I will consider this question in two parts;   Should ECMO be considered for all patients?  Should ECMO services be provided in all ICUs?    From a patient perspective, ECMO is a highly invasive intervention and like every other intervention that we consider, the benefits it provides must outweigh its risks for it to be worthwhile.   Clearly, veno-venous and veno-arterial ECMO supports are very different beasts – the patient profile, physiology, complications and outcomes differ considerably. At the extreme of the VA-ECMO spectrum is ECMO-CPR (e-CPR).  Whilst ECMO centres nationally and internationally have published indications and contraindications (which will be discussed), to make decisions around an individual case it is helpful to understand the burden that ECMO support imposes.   For patients this is the physiological burden of being placed on ECMO. This includes frequently the need for ongoing sedation and lack of mobility, the non-physiological cardiorespiratory effects conferred by E