Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Cardiac revascularization surgery in the elderly: An evidence-based health economic approach



CARDIAC REVASCULARIZATION SURGERY IN THE ELDERLY: AN EVIDENCE-BASED HEALTH ECONOMIC APPROACH    Background: Increasing prevalence of chronic disease in the context of an ageing society has led many to question the value of cardiac revascularization surgery and associated intensive care in elderly (octogenarian) populations. However societal expectations of improved technology and its likely impact on longevity and improved quality of life suggest there is a demand for cardiac surgery in this population. Elderly people are more likely to hold private health insurance, therefore the cost (in terms of waiting time) is likely to be low.     Objectives: This presentation will consider the value of cardiac revascularization surgery from a health economic perspective, including the various perspectives of patient, family/significant others, providers, healthcare sector and society.     Method: A theoretical evidence-based health economic model will be presented that is relevant to the evaluation of cardiac surger