Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Patient selection and functional outcomes



Introduction: Recent times have witnessed almost half, or sometimes more cardiac surgical procedures are performed in patients above 75 years of age. Traditionally, the EuroSCORE II and STS risk scoring systems have been widely used across the globe. Extensive reviews have shown that EuroSCORE II probably overestimates the perioperative risk at lower score levels while the STS score tends to underestimate the risk.  Frailty is a broad term that encircles aspects of nutrition, lack of agility, inactivity, lack of strength and wasting; and is seen in 25-50% of elderly patients. It has been defined as a geriatric syndrome reflecting a state of reduced physiological reserve and increased vulnerability to poor resolution of homeostasis after a stressor event. Conversely, pre-frailty, which is potentially reversible, is associated with higher risk of older adults developing cardiovascular disease.  Frailty assessment includes a variety of physical and cognitive tests, functional assessments and evaluating nutr