Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Feasting or fasting in ICU?



Despite the publication of a number of studies over recent years looking at energy delivery and outcomes in the critically ill population we remain uncertain how best to determine optimal calorie delivery for our patients. The concept that energy delivery should match energy consumption is plausible and intellectually attractive bu Broadly speaking clinicians can be divided into 3 categories according to their approach on energy delivery to the critically ill. Some believe that optimal clinical outcomes are achieved by closely approximating energy consumption i.e. providing full calorie requirement, usually around 2000kcal/d for the standard sized adult. This position is supported by a number of observational studies, however, patients usually only receive about 60% of what they are prescribed. Some believe that attempting to provide full feeding exposes the patient to the risk of overfeeding and that ‘permissive’ underfeeding is safe and better tolerated in critically ill patients where gastrointestinal fun