Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Raw Science 11: Pulmonary Perfusion



By Steve Morgan & Sophie Connolly Welcome back to the Basic Science Clinic podcast on ICN. Post-hiatus we are ready to reinvigorate the examination of oxygen cascade physiology, from the prevailing atmosphere down to the only organelle that boasts its own bespoke genome, the mitochondrion. In the last podcast we decomposed the minutiae of passive respiratory gas diffusion across the alveolar capillary membrane. Prior to expounding the pre-eminence of V/Q ratios in determining gas exchange sufficiency, we need to publically vivisect the pulmonary circulation to bring you the belated Raw Science 11, pulmonary perfusion. This detailed inspection of pulmonary perfusion is the longest podcast yet, no doubt we got slightly carried away and thus we have broken it up into three more comfortably digested sections. Section 1 (start to 18:24) will include the historical bit and both adult and fetal anatomy. Section 2 (18:30 to 40:26) examines pulmonary haemodynamics and the integrated control of pulmonary vascula