Intensive Care Network Podcasts




Neurotrauma – How to Put Humpty together again Humpty is a 23 year old egg, who fancied himself as a bit of a Hipster. Little did poor old Humpty know that his day was about to end in tears and he was to join the 1000 other Australians who annually have a severe head injury.  The talk focuses on Traumatic Brain Injury. There is particular emphasis on Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage and Transfusion Thresholds in Traumatic Brain Injury. The discussion explores the incidence and patterns of vasospasm following tSAH and the role, if any, of nimodipine and other therapies usually reserved for the aneurysm SAH population  The optimal target haemoglobin concentration following TBI is unknown. The discussion looks at the literature and explores the pathophysiology of anaemia in this setting.  A blood conservation strategy for patients with TBI is outlined