Intensive Care Network Podcasts

Roodenburg: Out of Hours Work



Out of hours (OOH) care remains a challenge in all medical specialties round the world. Day and Olusanya interview Owen Roodenburg from the Royal Alfred, Melbourne, about an innovative approach to managing OOH care in hospitals. This new programme directly addresses many of the issues with night time staff cover and allows selected trainees to obtain a Certificate of Clinical Leadership centred around experience, exposure, and education. ICU as the centre of the hospital of the future? Listen to hear more!You can read the article published in JICS here: O’Leary R, Strange J, McKimm A, Gantner D, McClure J, Roodenburg O. ICU should improve the night-time hospital. JICS October 2013; 14, 4: 284-287 (free full text at )