Movie B.s. With Bayer And Snider

Episode 229: 'Gone Girl,' 'Annabelle,' Character Casserole



0:00-2:20 – Hello, hi, how are you2:20-19:40 – “Gone Girl” review19:40-26:00 – “Annabelle” review (Snider only)26:00-27:20 – We kind of talk about “The Skeleton Twins”27:20-41:00 – QOTW (best movie you’ve started watching but never finished)41:00-52:30 – Character Casserole, with a minor tweak in the movie-choosing process52:30-54:30 – A summary of today’s lessons QOTW: In an average month, how many movies do you watch in the theater? And how many at home?