Movie B.s. With Bayer And Snider

Episode 205: 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier,' 'Noah,' Pitch Me



0:00-6:30 – Introduction; the croup; it’s the show’s 4th anniversary; there is a gift exchange, kind of; we claim to do other shows besides this one6:30-18:15 – “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” review18:15-28:10 – “Noah” review28:10-36:20 – QOTW (heroes you’d like to see in a “vs” movie)36:20-43:20 – A friendly round of Pitch Me43:20-46:30 – More croup talk, wrap-up, and goodbyes QOTW: What are your irrational movie turn-offs (e.g., an actor whose face or voice you can’t stand, a cliche that drives you crazy, etc.)?