3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 13: Ariel Bissett on brag-worthy book hauls, brainwashing beasts, and building BookTube



Do you remember the first person who introduced you to the love of reading? Was it a teacher? A parent? A friend? For me, it was my third-grade teacher. I remember on the first day of class we all gathered on this old, dusty green carpet and Mrs. Dorsman asked us all where we went that summer. “I went to Japan,” she began, with her eyes bugged open, “… and to Australia … and the waterfalls of South America … and to the Moon… and to Mars!” And then she looked around the room and dropped the final bomb. “Through … books!!!” Mrs. Dorsman lit a fire inside me that day. But what if you don’t have an incredibly soulful teacher who loves books? Who flicks the lighter to ignite that burning passion within you, within any of us? Well, these days, we have BookTube. According to The New York Times the BookTube community has gotten over 200 million views and engagement is up 40 percent versus last year.   And one of the most popular BookTubers in the world is Ariel Bissett. With hundreds of thousands of subs