Andy Petranek Podcast

102: Dorothy the Organizer: Declutter Your...Everything



Dorothy Breininger is one of America's Most Trusted Professional Organizers and is on a mission to create more space on the planet. “Dorothy The Organizer” is most widely known as the problem solver on the Emmy-nominated show, “Hoarders.” She is also the best-selling author of five books. In her latest book, Stuff Your Face or Face Your Stuff, she approaches organizing from the perspective of what our clutter says about our emotional condition, and how that can translate into other self-destructive or self-sabotaging behaviors such as overeating. She should know—in the course of decluttering her life, Dorothy lost (and has kept off) 75 pounds. [Note: For the complete set of show notes, links, and contact info, head to] Join Dorothy and Andy for an honest and compelling discussion of the struggle so many of us have with clutter, disorganization, body- and self-image, procrastination, food addiction, and the relationship strain that can occur when partners’ ideas about