Andy Petranek Podcast

88: Val Voboril - How to Succeed at Motherhood, Happiness, and CrossFit



What if I were to tell you that one of the 3 fittest women on the planet was (at the time she earned that title) 35 years old, a mother, wife, and school teacher who limits her training to 90 minutes per day? Would you believe me? If not, you’d be sorely mistaken. In 2013, Val Voboril took 3rd at the CrossFit Games. It was the second time she placed 3rd, it would be one of four times that she’s finished in the top 5, and at the time, she was 10 years older than most of her competitors. If you met Val on the street, you be taken by her bright eyes, incredible smile, sunny disposition, but not at all by her physical prowess - she appears normal as normal can be.Ordinarily, relating to an athlete like this is next to impossible. Their lives are simply too dissimilar to the ones that the rest of us lead. But not at all so for Val - she’s got her priorities and a life that is very much like yours and mine. First and foremost, she’s a mom and a wife, responsibilities she takes very seriously. And believe me, she kn