Andy Petranek Podcast

87: Megan Devine - How Journaling Can Lead Us Through Grief and Into Our Heart



Teacher, speaker, and psychotherapist, Megan Devine, has been stirring up our culture’s ideas around grief and loss since 2009. That’s the year she started down the path of personal wisdom and expertise because in that year, on a beautiful sunny day, she witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner Matt. At that moment, all of her professional experience as a therapist became meaningless.  What she found in processing her own grief, was that grief literature is loaded with well-intended advice that can actually worsen and extend someone’s pain. “We just don’t know how to handle loss in our culture.” Since then, Megan has dedicated herself to helping people find a new way to deal with loss that honors their experience without trying to “solve” grief. Much of her work involves processing through writing and journaling, our lifestyle practice in the Whole Life Challenge this week, which is why I originally invited her onto the podcast She's the author of the book, It's OK That You're Not OK: Meeting