Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

292 - Peace Shall Destroy Many



When the ego takes control, the quest for peace can be eroded and even perverted. A systemic hypocrisy takes control. It silences the truth and warps perception.  For peace, and even a hope for reconciliation, truth must be sought with all our might. Long term resilience requires that we continually seek the truth.   2021 theme: resilience February topic: peace Weekly Focus: systemic hypocrisy   This week's question for reflection: what can I do today to reduce my participation in a group think approach that silences dissenting voices or seeks to avoid taking constructive action or challenge my current perspective?     Links to walk together: Find me on LINKEDIN and connect with or follow me there. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation  Learn more about my Resilience: why, what and how to perform with excellence For the rest of this week you may still find an opening at