Gotham Undercover

GU96 - S5E07 - Ace Chemicals



Ace Chemicals is the birthplace of The Joker and for us the true birth of Batman. These two engage in a dance of death and destruction and it all started here. Penguin is looking for a way to escape with the help of Selina and Riddler. Jim is caught in an awkward triangle with Lee and Barbara. Ace Chemicals - Birth of the Bat and Joker: ©2019 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Giovanni Rufino/FOX Jeremiah has done all in his considerable power to recreate the most pivotal day in Bruce Wayne's life. He has had two people given plastic surgery to look like dear old mom and pop Wayne. With the hypnotic help of the Mad Hatter, Jervis Tetch, both the Wayne stand in's and Alfred are under control. Jeremiah plasters the newspapers of the Wayne death around the city and has the stand in's lure Bruce through the tunnel to Wayne Manor. Bruce is blown away to see two people who look like his parents and Alfred all acting like the murder never happened. But Jeremiah is the guest of honor at the party. Bruce must play the gam