5 Minute Mojo

523: You Really Do Belong Here - Wisdom from Mom



Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives, our own drama, that we forget that we are part of something bigger, something miraculous.  Even though you are more than just human, you are part of the energy of humanity.  You are the brother or sister of everyone on the planet.  Showing up in your body, on this world, was no accident.  You soul created it.  Accordingly it asks you to connect with the energies you encounter every day.  Become part of this world each day. Create community.  Don't be a stranger in this place. Questions of the Day: Do you feel a kinship with every other person on this planet? What is one thing you could do tomorrow to connect with someone you don't know? When was the last time you felt connected to someone you didn't know (unromantically) Do you typically shy away from people you don't know or do you gravitate towards them? Resources from the Episode: Join the ZEN commuter/5 Minute Mojo newsletter and get your meditation resource guide along with tools and tips on how to live a