5 Minute Mojo

109: Nothing Happens in a Vacuum



Hello My friends and welcome to Five Minute Mojo.  The process of making significant changes in your life isn’t always easy.  In fact, it goes against the mindset that is, on some level, engrained in our being.  Have you ever thought about that?  I am not a big fan of creating divisions but it is important to point out that people who seek to grow each day are the minority.  I was speaking with John Vespasian the other day on ZEN commuter and he mentioned that only 5% of people take steps to be better each day.  I would have taken this number with a grain of salt if I hadn’t heard the same figure from other personal development coaches and authors as well.  Of course I want it to be higher. Many people try to make changes and end up giving up once life tries to reassert itself.  The fear of change and comfort often times is a force to be reckoned with.  Like I mentioned before, seeking comfort is the default, growing, which represents change is not. What gets in the way?  I want to spend some time talking