Katiecasts From Katie Macalister

PKB #2 KatieCast



Please note that there may be spoilers in the podcast. The following are the questions discussed in the podcast: Chris R Will you be writing more Young Adult books? You have started a series for the Silver dragons.  Will there be more series coming up for other septs? I love paranormals.  Are there any more paranormals coming up?? Julie Mai         What kinds of contemporary books can we look forward to seeing you write in the future? Will you be witting anymore Dark Ones books? Are you going to be witting any other kinds of paranormal series? Erin Baldwin Have you ever considered doing an anthology with other big name authors such as Christine Feehan,Sherrilyn Kenyon, etc? Will Aisling ever catch a break? I truly enjoy all the adventure, but would love to have a chapter or two of her and Drake just BEING (not being torture or chased or at each others throats...maybe just a little insight into them). Are we ever goi