Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

Flat World Strategies: Google and Search Wikia, Search Technology Explained [23:10]



Intro: Right before the 2006 holidays Jimmy Wales, creator of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, announced the Search Wikia project. This project will rely on search results based on the future sites community of users. In this podcast we take a look at popular search engine technologies and discuss the Search Wikia project concept. Question: I know this project was really just announced. Before we get into the technology involved - can you tell us what phase the project is in?According to the BBC Jimmy Wales is currently recruiting people to work for the company and he's buying hardware to get the site up and running.  Question: What makes this concept fundamentally different than what Google or Yahoo! Are doing?When Wales announced the project he came right out and said it was needed because the existing search systems for the net were "broken". They were broken, he said, because they lacked freedom, community, accountability and transparency. Question:  This sounds a lot like digg -