Michael Manicotti

What it means to be Ruthless



If you want to be successful, you're going to have to develop some traits that are not going to be looked on positively by the established order. In other words, you're going to have to be Ruthless. That being said, here are some things that explain what it means to be Ruthless. You put yourself first so that you can provide for others second - People who you deny attention or power to want to brand you as selfish because you are wise enough to put your oxygen mask on first before theirs. Women have called me selfish many times because this is how I live my life. But that doesn't stop them from throwing darts at me telling me that all I do is focus on myself, etc. On the flipside, I have been involved with equally as many people both business and relationship wise that totally understand this philosophy, adopt it in their own lives and that is why they are successful. A failure is someone who is putting others before themselves. Why the fuck would you do that? I'm not going to sacrifice myself to the lions, e