Dear Seekers

Lee Dekel on slow motherhood and creating her own universe



This conversation is with Lee Dekel, owner of 100 percent Silk, a shop and gallery space located on Queen st. West in Toronto. Lee also designs their in-house label 100 percent silk. Yes, same name. Same philosophy. The idea is to bring hard to find independent labels that champion the artisanal techniques and craftsmanship, which sadly are dying. Lee has created a universe that is very unique and distinctive. This free-flowing conversation touched upon a wide span of topics, including new motherhood, social media, being a creative during the pandemic, creative collaborations and more. Dear Seekers is now a bi-weekly newsletter sent out on every other Sunday morning with podcast conversations like this one, column and diary style essays like this one, and sometimes internet rabbit hole finds. As a newsletter subscriber, you have early access to a more raw and less edited episode. Photography: Vai Yu LawListen and leave us a review on Apple Podcast.  Also available on Spotify, St