The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1756: Primal Kumaree Sweta Kumar Heals Her Ulcerative Colitis And Sugar Addiction



On today’s episode of the LLVLC Show, Jimmy welcomes Primal Kumaree Sweta Kumar to talk about her story of healing from ulcerative colitis and sugar addiction. “I thought that to be connected to this world I had to be a vegetarian. But after eating beef I realized that my body was healing. I had to be a closet carnivore for a few months.” Sweta Kumar In today’s interview, Jimmy speaks with the amazing Sweta Kumar who as of the recording of this interview was going by the name Carnivore Hippie on social media. She has since shifted her named to Primal Kumaree and she has quite the story to share about how she has overcome sobriety issues, healed from ulcerative colitis, beat her sugar and carb addiction, and defeated PTSD with the help of the carnivore diet and other lifestyle modifications. This was a delightful conversation with an incredible woman who is fired up about helping others heal like she did. Sweta is a Carnivore, Hippie and skin care enthusiast who started her YouTube channel (