Unbothered By Thai Rivera

Diaz Mackie "The Accused" ~ Unbothered by Thai Rivera



This episode of Unbothered by Thai Rivera may BOTHER some people but I have known Diaz Mackie for many years. I can't say I remember exactly what year he was accused in but the accusations never fully added up for me. Since then he has been in jail, served 2.5 years probation, been removed from shows and festivals and had his life turned upside down. If I thought he deserved it, if I thought he was guilty I would not have had him on my podcast. But I definitely did have questions for him and I'm honest with him on this episode about what didn't add up for me. We recorded this episode about 2 weeks ago on the day that Derek Chauvin was found guilty. I mention this because I think it says something about people that they will march in the streets because they admit that the criminal justice system isn't always fair with Black men specifically/especially but then when they see a Black man going through the system before their own eyes there's no compassion, sympathy, empathy or even benefit of the doubt. Anyway,