Deviant Robot Transmission

Episode 98 - Deviant Robot Transmission



We are back! - The podcast returns for our new Monthly format. Will, Robin, Ian and Jimmy ramble about such diverse elements as: - - Alexa. - Inflatable Power Ballads Gig. - Visiting France during a national strike. - Making bread. - Movie: YourName - Crunchy Roll - Game: Latest trailer Death Stranding - Game: Wolfenstein New Order and Wolfenstein New Colossus - Netflix: Star Trek Discovery - Netflix: The Expanse - Book: We Are Legion We Are Bob,  Dennis E. Taylor - Philosophy: Is a clone of you, you. - Netflix: Marvel Defenders - Netflix: The Punisher - Netflix: Rick and Morty - Season 3 - Link: The Washington Post - “A depressed fan tweeted at writer Dan Harmon. His heartfelt response left many on Twitter in tears”. [\_term=.3e79f128de23] - Netflix: Big Mouth - Netflix: Stranger Things - Season 2 - Netflix: Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Netflix: Death