Max White Presents

Episode 43: Max White Presents...Floyd Johnson-Ohio Against The World



Max White Presents... is now available in video on YouTube! Copy and paste the link below and make sure to Subscribe to the channel! Hit the Subscribe button below: Floyd Johnson is a Cincinnati born, world-renowned designer, entrepreneur, traveler, artist, and educator. As founder of the lifestyle brand Ohio Against The World, his work has been worn and featured by the likes of Lebron James, Chloe Sevigny, Rihanna, and countless other cultural tastemakers. Floyd's designs have drawn lawsuits from major fashion houses on Monday, then stolen by another major brand on Tuesday. In a time where every person with a credit card and an Instagram account has their own "streetwear brand", Floyd's OATW and other projects are truly unique and a cut above the rest. The last time Floyd and I spoke was back in 2018, since then he has relocated from Brooklyn to Denver, all the while continuing the search for answers to his questions. Follow Floyd on IG @FloydFromO