Max White Presents

Episode 42: Max White Presents...Dave Coyne



Max White Presents... is now available in video on YouTube! Copy and paste the link below and make sure to Subscribe to the channel! Dave Coyne is a retired professional skateboarder originally from Eastern Ohio. In this episode we cover the span of Dave's career in skateboarding, starting with his first pushes as a child through his teenage years where he packed everything up in a bag and bought a one way bus ticket to Southern California to chase down his dream of skateboarding year-round. What stands out about Dave and his experiences are the time in which they took place, the late-90s. This era, during the resurgence of skateboarding and arguably the most progressive time in skateboarding's past was not only witnessed by Dave, but he worked hard enough to leave his own mark on an era that nowadays is looked back upon fondly and even big enough to garner exploitation by the film industry. My favorite part of this whole experience has easily been getting to know more and more about the