Stanford Radio

E72 | Londa Schiebinger: Why does gender matter?



The Future of Everything with Russ Altman: "Londa Schiebinger: Why does gender matter?" From designing research to setting priorities for funding decisions and drafting policy, understanding gender differences enhances all phases of scientific research. In safety engineering, ergonomic differences between men and women are important. Conventional seat belts do not fit pregnant women properly and motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of fetal death related to maternal trauma. Analyses of sex differences have led to the development of pregnant crash test dummies that enhance safety in automobile testing and design. In medicine, osteoporosis has been conceptualized primarily as a women's disease, yet after a certain age men account for nearly a third of osteoporosis-related hip fractures. Tragically, when men break their hips, they tend to die. We don't know why. Analyzing the interaction between sex and gender in osteoporosis has led to new diagnostics for men, and the search for better treatments is