Stanford Radio

E64 | Adina Sterling: How will artificial intelligence change hiring?



The Future of Everything with Russ Altman: "Adina Sterling: How will artificial intelligence change hiring?" New technologies help bring increased efficiency to the hiring process, but also pose significant challenges. The next job search you conduct will likely be shaped by artificial intelligence. In the age of LinkedIn and, job hunters can count on their resumes being screened by non-human intelligence. So what does this mean for the future of hiring? At a recent live taping of the Stanford School of Engineering podcast “The Future of Everything,” Adina Sterling, an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business who studies labor markets, said that roughly three-quarters of the job applications received by major companies will be touched in some way by artificial intelligence. Because these hiring bots look for very specific criteria, qualified applicants may be screened out early in the process if their resumes don’t contain “the right buzzwords to ge