King's Church Hastings

Living the Gospel: Gospel Salvation



God’s salvation is a wonderful gift. He is the planner, initiator and provider. He sent his Son to earn salvation for us. It starts in God choosing of us (election) and is not dependant on anything good being found in us. God chose us because he loves us, as it says in Ephesians 1. The bible is also clear that each person has to make a their own choice to follow God. We’re not preprogrammed robots, but human beings with the ability and responsibility to make real decisions. Lastly, this also leads us into mission, to sharing our faith with those that don’t know Jesus. God has chosen to save many living in 1066 country – we’ve just got to find them. Not everyone will respond positively, but some will. So as step out; talking about what Jesus has done, with kind actions, praying for the sick etc we can be confident in God’s blessing.