Gari Meacham Podcast

The Deep Week 5



The Deep Week 5 (Feb. 12, 2018) Houston, TX Calling & Purpose It's tempting to confuse the "call" of God with our human capacity to work. It then becomes what we can DO for God rather than who we can BE with God. 3 myths of Calling: 1. If you're called to something, God will open the doors, and everything will be easy. (2Timothy 1:6-9 and 4: 5-8) 2. You were made for this and this alone. 3. Use ir or lost it! (Romans 11:29) Four CALLING PRINCIPLES: 1. God will purge out anything that keeps us from His call (Isaiah 6) 2. Your identity enables your calling - your calling is not your identity. (Exodus 3/4) 3. Disappointment and discouragement can lead to greater revelation of God's glory. (Exodus 32:1-5) 4. Your calling spans over a life-time... until you take your last breath. (Joshua 14: 7-12)