Social Media Simplified

From Beliefs to Action with Lara Wellman



Season two of The Biz Podcast has come to a close. I enjoyed talking about beliefs that are holding business owners back from creating success and I hope listeners were able to recognize what is holding them back. It was 20 great episodes all about how we think we need to do things the right way or that we need permission to do things. We also talked about how our health can affect how we think about our business and our ability to create success in our business. Season Two was belief busting We also discussed how we don’t have to follow what we were taught to believe and that we can build a business and be true to our values, make a difference, and work less without sacrificing the money we earn. Listeners were also reminded that they have stories and have things in their lives and businesses that others can relate to. We all get caught up in what we think things should look like or what we feel we don’t have time for - and season two showed listeners how to break through those limiting beliefs. W