Social Media Simplified

Why you don't always need a plan with Angie Cole



A belief many people have is that they must have a plan for everything in life. But sometimes life happens for itself, organically. Joining me on the podcast to discuss this belief is Angie Cole, creator of Untaming the Wild, a place for really gritty, creative, powerful women who want to create work that keeps them lit up and well-paid. Angie’s clients come to her because they are interested in changing something about their work life. Many people want to start or grow their businesses. Some folks are changing careers or changing their positions. And the thing people come to her asking for is a plan. “I need a plan. I need to make more money and I need you to tell me how to do this thing!” We believe everything has a blueprint and we must follow the steps, and then the thing is produced and for lots of us, that just doesn't work when it comes to creating a business we really love, that is part of who we are or something that we really love and care about. For more information check out the show notes at