Queen Of Kaos

Got KAOS? Five Minute Fix - Clutter That Costs - Your Days and Years



It occurred to me this morning that while 'thing'clutter certainly effects quality of life, activity clutter can have even more far reaching effects - especially if we let things that come up interfere with the time we have set aside to accomplish our REAL dreams and desires. It's sad but true, we ARE on limited time here and we can only do so much. By letting distractions, opportunities, invitations, obligations (that aren't really obligations)interfere and even take over - the end result can be frustration, disappointment and failure. If you are a mom and let it interfere with your 'mom time', it can have even farther reaching effects. For today, examine what you let into your daily schedule, how often you say yes when you want, even need, to say no. Remember, it's YOUR life.