Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP324 Saving Lives FASTER with Jim Irvine



Our guest today is Jim Irvine. Jim Irvine is a Director with FASTERSavesLives and the President of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation (BFF). With both of these organizations, Jim works with legislators and interested parties to enact positive changes to Ohio firearm and self-defense laws. Jim is also a husband, father, and a professional airline pilot. 1) Give us brief overview of what FASTER is, and how long this training has been helping to keep schools, churches, synagogues, and other organizations safe? 2) Recently, I was honored to be a participant in the training. The training is serious and focused. I have been shooting most of my life and I wasn’t able to pass your firearms / accuracy qualification test. Talk to us about what is involved in the course? 3) While I was in OH the OH Supreme Court made a ruling that could threaten this decade-long program and cause schools to be less safe. Talk to us about this ruling. 4) Schools are once again open all over the nation and horribly, bad guys WILL take advan