Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP322 Is There a Problem, Officer? with Steve Pomper



Our guest today is Steve Pomper. Steve is an author, freelance writer, and retired Seattle police officer. During his career, he served as a field training officer, on the Community Police Team, and as a mountain bike patrol coordinator. He has written several books, and his latest title is “The Obama Gang: How Barack Obama, through his post-presidency foundation, assembled, launched, and wages the new assault on American law enforcement”. 1) Before we dive into your new favorite line on your website is: “What’s the Most Government Can Do for Me? The Least Government Can Do for Me.” That is a very Libertarian stance. You have also been a Law Enforcement Officer. There are more than a few people who would say that those are competing mindsets. For you, how do those two things mesh together? 2) Let’s talk about your book, “The Obama Gang”. 3) Tell us about your article in LifeZette, titled “Is the FBI Misreporting Data About Legal Gun Owners Stopping Active Shooters?” 4) Back in November you wrote an