Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP305 Kiwanis Club for SAFE Kids with Gina Roberts & Derek LeBlanc



Our guest today is Gina Roberts & Derek LeBlanc. “Gina” Roberts is a competitive shooter, is one of the CA Delegates to The DC Project, serves as the President Emeritas of the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans as well as the President of the Escondido Republican Women Federated. Gina is one of the faces chosen to grace the 2019 TIME Magazine Cover dedicated to discussing “Guns In America”, and Gina is also the President of the Kiwanis Club of Southern California for SAFE Kids. Derek LeBlanc, is the founder and president of the Kids S.A.F.E. Foundation, the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, based out of Eugene, Oregon. Kid S.A.F.E. as the goal to educate children and families on firearm safety and accident prevention. ZERO Firearm Accidents is the only acceptable goal!! 1) Let’s start with Derek and his work to create Kid S.A.F.E. - a non-partisan, non-political, non-advocacy group aligned gun safety program that can be taught to kids in schools and other venues. 2) Gina, fortune favors the involved. You dedicate