Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP298 Malice, Justice and Silence with Liz Lazarus



Our guest today is Liz Lazarus. Liz is the author of three psychological thrillers: Free of Malice, Plea for Justice and Shades of Silence. Liz’s first novel, Free of Malice, is fiction, however the attack on the main character is real, drawn from Lazarus’ own experience. It portrays the emotional realities of healing from a vicious, physical assault and tells the story of one woman’s obsession to force the legal system to acknowledge her right to self-defense. Liz initially ignored the calling to become a novelist—instead, she tackled other ambitions on her bucket list: living in Paris and learning to speak French, getting her pilot’s license and producing a music CD. But, like any true calling, her “first book wouldn’t leave her alone—it kept nudging her to write to the point that she could no longer ignore it.” 1) Tell us about the plot in the new book, Shades of Silence. 2) You tend to do a lot of research for your books. What research did you do for this one? - (my answer will include interviewing a co